Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Global Policy and Strategy The Companies Strategy
Question: Talk about the Global Policy and Strategy for The Companies Strategy? Answer: The significant parts of the companys procedure dependent on following zones include: Product offering: The product offering technique of Under Armor includes the making of a various product offerings. Under Armor utilizes the most recent and best advances for creating their items and they utilize the best material for assembling the garments, which recognizes Under Armor from different brands. The arranged product offerings of Under Armor incorporate HEATGEAR for the hot climate, COLDGEAR for the virus air and ALLSEASONGEAR for the sound condition. Showcasing/Promotion and Brand Management: Under Armor has a high brand value as it is advertised well and notable to all the people groups of the United States and India. Under Armor utilizes the various components of the limited time blend for selling accessible product. They execute deals representatives in their retail shops, which makes them accessible to a specific vender. Under Armor promotes their items in various structures with the assistance of magazines, bulletins, the web, and TV. They likewise use deals advancement for expanding their level of deals by offering different coupons, limits, and deals (Adam, 2016). Dispersion: Under Armor circulates their assortments of items in both discount and retail showcases. Under Armor made an agreement with California and Maryland for executing dissemination offices through its retail and discount markets. The companys procedure depends on disseminating their items fundamentally through autonomous merchants and outsider strategic gives. Item Design and Development: The made merchandise of Under Armor comprise of specialized manufactures, which the outsider produces, in a joint effort with their item advancement group. This methodology empowers them to make in fact propelled textures and assembling of the items as per determinations including fit, plan, final result use and atmosphere to satisfy the market needs (Adam, 2016). Sourcing/Manufacturing/QA: The crude materials and the claim to fame textures that Under Armor utilizes comprise of in fact propelled item, which the outsiders make. Under Armor didn't include themselves in long haul concurrences with the makers for delivering their items. Dispersion Facilities and Inventory Management: Under Armor deals with their stock levels by anticipated deals, existing requests, and on the prompt conveyance needs of their clients. Their stock procedure focuses on addressing the necessities of their clients by improving their stock proficiency with the assistance of different procedures and frameworks. These frameworks are profited with gracefully arranging capacities and anticipating. The techniques additionally incorporate stock exhibitions like time decrease for assembling, better execution and arranging identified with the auctioning off abundance stock (Thompson et al. 2013). 2 An: Under Armor is a brand, which has made a stupendous commitment to its intended interest group through an incredible exertion towards its market. The organization is about games attire, dynamic wear and athletic footwear in the United States. Built up in the year 1996, the organization planned for building the sportswear according to its clients prerequisites. The organization makes outfits which are cool for its competitors in the late spring season. Then again, they give warm outfits to its competitors in the winter. The ensembles made in such manner that it can ingest the perspiration in a slight measure of time. The explanation for the companys progress was additionally that the firm searched for development in North America (Reddy, 2015). 2 B: according to the techniques of the organization received for most recent 15 years, it very well may be said that Under Armor is a brand which has developed differentiated items for its clients according to their requirements. They have made them consistently engaged with creating items according to the evolving requests. They generally planned to be the supplier of the best item in their market portion. They have essentially accomplished the situation by expanding their item deals. All the games individuals including the expert and the amateurish university are happy with their item. Organization of such high musings and missions consistently will in general be at a definitive situation in the market (Miloch et al. 2012). 3: The upper hands of Under Armor versus Nike are as per the following: Under Armor Nike 1. They have fabricated cold and sweat safe garments. 1. They have very much set up brand picture and are notable in the commercial center. 2. They produce athletic clothes for the Olympics and colleges. 2. They use to deliver athletic gear. 3. They have execution checking instruments, which causes the organization to quantify their general execution and which thus increment their supportability advancement. 3. Nike has adjustable items for the clients. Figure 1: SWOT Analysis (Source: Macekura, 2013, pp 128) Qualities Broad Product Portfolio: Under Armor makes an arrangement for extending their item contributions in the extra market sections. Development: Under Armor center around satisfying the changing needs of the recreational businesses by executing new creative innovations. They bring new innovative musings for assembling their items, which incorporate HotGear, ColdGear, and AllSeasonal Gear. Monetary Consistency: Under Armor cultivated, an effective income development throughout the previous five years and their net gain become triple from 2006 to 2011. Shortcomings Topographically not different: While moving into various land territories it makes Under Armor to limit chance identified with the deals from a solitary geological area and to differentiate the item contributions (Baylis, Wirtz Gray, 2013). Extension of assembling: The advancement with respect to strength textures fabricated by the outsiders upgrades the hazard with Under Armours essential abilities. Disappointment Impact on Sales/Endorsement Success: As Under Armor relies upon various serious items for showcasing it makes vulnerability and hazard identified with the social conduct of the competitors just as their exhibition. Openings Inspirational Outlook for Footwear Market and Athletic Apparel: This has been a dynamic development in the income, which brings about industry development and which will expand the footwear deals just as deals of athletic clothing in the following five years. Innovation based: With the headway in innovation, the direct to purchaser deals are developing in Under Armor and which encourages the clients to associate rapidly with the organization (Macekura, 2013). Dangers Fluctuating expense of oil: The expense of oil is influencing the incomes and creation cost of the athletic clothing in light of the fact that those items contain a lot of oil situated materials and polyesters. The significant expense of work: Because of the fast ascent in the work cost of assembling athletic clothing, this work cost is welcoming genuine dangers on the Under Armor Company. Low Batteries to Entry: As the providers of athletic attire have dynamic power over the value, they can without much of a stretch set a cap for the piece of the overall industry identified with the current organizations (Johnson, 2014). As per the reports, the companys budgetary status of 2013 was as per the following, Net Revenue in $ - $2.33 billion Net Profit in $ - $162.17 million Net Profit rate (Net Profit/Net Revenues x 100) - 6.96% What might be compared to the organization the year's end 2013 was $347 million (Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2012). The four classes are Apparel, Footwear, Accessories, and permitting, contribute in a huge path to the Net Revenue of the organization in the year 2013. The commitment to the net gain from the Apparel class is 75.6% while commitment from Footwear is 13%. The remainder of the information is from Accessories and Licensing, which are 9% and 2.4% individually (Reddy, 2015). References Adam, A. (2016).Under Armor Case Study. Recovered 20 February 2016, from Baylis, J., Wirtz, J. J., Gray, C. S. (2013).Strategy in the contemporary world. Oxford University Press. Hitt, M., Ireland, R. D., Hoskisson, R. (2012).Strategic administration cases: intensity and globalization. Cengage Learning. Johnson, C. (2014). Under Armours Unexpected Brand Management Problem in Sochi. Macekura, S. (2013). The point four program and US global improvement policy.Political Science Quarterly,128(1), 127-160. Miloch, K. S., Lee, J., Kraft, P. M., Ratten, V. (2012). Snap rattle: inspecting the vital and innovative brand vision of Under Armour.International diary of pioneering venturing,4(1), 42-57. Reddy, K. S. (2015). Institutional Laws, and Mergers and Acquisitions in India: A Review/Recommendation. Thompson, A., Peteraf, M., Gamble, J., Strickland III, A. J., Jain, A. K. (2013).Crafting Executing Strategy 19/e: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. McGraw-Hill Education.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Locution and Etymologically Related Terms About Speech
Locution and Etymologically Related Terms About Speech Locution and Etymologically Related Terms About Speech Locution and Etymologically Related Terms About Speech By Mark Nichol Locution, which means â€Å"style of speech†(in the feeling of the specialty of talking), originates from the Latin word loqui, which means â€Å"to speak.†Here are different words in English dependent on the Latin expression, and their implications. A dialogue (truly, â€Å"speaking together†) is a discussion or a gathering; the related term colloquium alludes to a proper gathering comprising of at least one locations by specialists followed by an inquiry and-answer meeting. Strangely, the descriptor structure casual has the antonymic faculties of â€Å"informal†and â€Å"conversational.†Words with a similar root structure incorporate speech (truly, â€Å"speaking alone†), the word for a monolog in a play wherein a character shares their musings, just as obloquy, which can mean â€Å"harsh criticism†or can allude to the state of being censured or ruined. In the mean time, ventriloquy, a variety of ventriloquism (truly, â€Å"speaking from the stomach†), signifies the act of deluding a group of people for diversion by talking so that the crowd accepts the voice is originating from another source, normally a manikin controlled by the ventriloquist to give off an impression of being talking. (An increasingly dark importance is â€Å"expressing oneself through another,†particularly as an author does by having an anecdotal character speak to their perspectives or convictions.) Grandiosity (actually, â€Å"large speaking†) is a natural term for a blustering or affected type of talking, however a less notable equivalent word is pretentiousness (truly, â€Å"great speaking†), and vaniloquence (truly, â€Å"vain speaking†), which alludes to absurd talk, is connected in both development and importance. Somniloquence (actually, â€Å"sleep talking†), be that as it may, is an impartial word meaning â€Å"talking in one’s sleep.†The contrast between the implications of persuasiveness and garrulity is a differentiation among quality and amount; an articulate speaker is a powerful one, however a garrulous one is simply chatty. Questioner may be seen as importance â€Å"one who interrupts,†yet it basically (and impartially) alludes to a kindred member in a discussion (interlocution actually implies â€Å"speaking between†). Be that as it may, circumvention (which truly implies â€Å"speaking around†) indicates a judgment: a circumlocutory individual talks equivocally or verbosely. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Vocabulary class, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:100 Idioms About Numbers10 Types of Transitionsâ€Å"Least,†â€Å"Less,†â€Å"More,†and â€Å"Mostâ€
Monday, August 17, 2020
2018 Novels by Iraqi Authors, and Why They Matter
2018 Novels by Iraqi Authors, and Why They Matter If you scour the internet for Iraqi novels, youll find dozens of lists and list-essays. But these piecesâ€"15 Great Books About Iraq, Afghanistan or The Iraq Novel Weve Been Waiting For or Im Not the Enemy or A Reading List of Modern War Storiesâ€"give us the perspective of the US soldier, journalist, and aid worker. What they tell us very little about is Iraq. Two years after the invasion, in 2005, USA Today reported that more than 300 books had been published in English about the war and ongoing occupation. By now, an Amazon search turns up more than 3,800. A number of them have been critically and commercially successful: American Sniper, The Final Move Beyond Iraq, War Stories, Redeployment, Yellow Birds. Yet in the first ten years after the invasion, exceptionally few novels by Iraqi authors had been published in English. That has been changing. This year, we saw the publication of Muhsin al-Ramlis The Presidents Gardens, translated by Luke Leafgren; the sci-fi collection Iraq + 100, edited by Hassan Blasim and Ra Page; and Baghdad Eucharist, by Sinan Antoon, translated by Maia Tabet. There are novels by Iraqi authors now. Heres some of the best. January 2018 Frankenstein in Baghdad, by Ahmed Saadawi translated by Jonathan Wright This book won the International Prize for Arabic Fiction in 2014. From the publisher: From the rubble-strewn streets of US-occupied Baghdad, the scavenger Hadi collects human body parts and stitches them together to create a corpse. His goal, he claims, is for the government to recognize the parts as people and give them a proper burial. But then the corpse goes missing, just as the city is hit by a wave of eerie murders, and reports start to stream in of a horrendous-looking criminal who, though shot, cannot be killed. As the violence escalates, the Whatsitsname and the havoc it wreaks assume a magnitude far greater than anyone could have imagined. March 2018 The Beekeper, by Dunya Mikhail translated by Max Weiss with the author From the publisher: Since 2014, Daesh (ISIS) has been brutalizing the Yazidi people of northern Iraq: sowing destruction, killing those who won’t convert to Islam, and enslaving young girls and women. The Beekeeper, by the acclaimed poet and journalist Dunya Mikhail, tells the harrowing stories of several women who managed to escape the clutches of Daesh. You can also read a review of the Arabic edition by Hend Saeed on ArabLit. May 2018 The Baghdad Clock, by Shahed Alrawi, translated by Luke Leafgren From the publisher: Baghdad, 1991. A young Iraqi girl and her best friend find themselves living in war-torn Baghdad during the first Gulf War. Populated by a host of colourful characters, we share the two girls dreams, music, school life and first loves as they grow up in a city torn apart by civil war. And as the bombs fall, the international sanctions bite and friends begin to flee the country, the city services collapse while abandoned dogs roam the streets and fortune-tellers thrive amidst the fear and uncertainty. This poignant debut novel will spirit readers away to a world they know only from the television, revealing just what it is like to grow up in a city that is slowly disappearing in front of your eyes. August 2018 Baghdad Noir, ed. Samuel Shimon This collection promises brand-new stories by: Muhsin al-Ramli, Nassif Falak, Hadia Said, Ahmed Saadawi, Salima Salih, Roy Scranton, Hayet Raies, Mohammed Alwan Jabr, Dheya al-Khalidi, Hussain al-Mozany, Sinan Antoon, Salar Abdoh, Ali Bader, and Layla Qasrany. From “Getting to Abu Nuwas Street†by contributor Dheya al-Khalidi: Baghdad’s streets are desolate after midnight. The dark gathers in front of shops and alleyways. Wooden stalls for selling produce are laid down and intertwined like a broken-down train at a station. I’d always watch the cats chase each other, hiss and fight by the butcher’s shop. But odd there weren’t any stray dogs around, since I used to hear them bark in the capital every day. Maybe they sensed something grave that night, so they were hiding, putting off the hunt for another time. September/October 2018 Watermelon Boys, by Ruqaya Izzidien Iraqi-Welsh author Ruqaya Izzidien says about writing this compelling historical novel: Before beginning writing The Watermelon Boys, I searched for months for fiction set in Mesopotamia around the First World War, but found just one series, that dealt overwhelmingly with the lives of soldiersâ€"and when it did feature Arabs, they were the exotic context for the British protagonists. I knew through family stories that British forces had been in Basra during the war, but growing up through the British education system, I had not once been taught anything about it from an historical context. So, the idea for this book came from a fascination about this period that I felt had been censored out of the schooling system, Forthcoming 2018-2019 Fihris: The Book of Collateral Damage, by Sinan Antoon, trans. Jonathan Wright. Estimated release: March 2019. The story of a novel that cannot be written. A New York based Iraqi literature professor is overwhelmed by the extent of the destruction of his homeland. From a review by Hend Saeed: In the opening scene, a bird, who is remembering the day he learned to fly with his mother and father in a clear sky, is now flying toward the warm country. The last scene sees the bird reaching the warm country with his family. But he finds it hard to fly in a sky full of huge metal birds and black smoke, and then he loses his family. The Gardens Presidents, by Muhsin al-Ramli, trans. Luke Leafgren. This novel is set to be published in Arabic early next year, with an English translation soon to follow. It is the follow-up to al-Ramlis powerful The Presidents Gardens, and The Gardens Presidents is as yet a working title. What are your favorite novels by Iraqi authors?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Pretests as Effective Instructional Tools
At every grade level and in every discipline, teachers must know what their students know before beginning a new unit of study. One way to make this determination is to use a pretest that assesses student proficiency in the skills that are going to be taught. But how do you write a successful pretest? Thats where backward design comes in. Backward Design Backward design is defined by the Glossary of Education Reform as follows: Backward design begins with the objectives of a unit or courseâ€â€what students are expected to learn and be able to doâ€â€and then proceeds backward to create lessons that achieve those desired goals, (Backward Design Definition). Pretests were developed through this backward-planning process, which was popularized by educators Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe in their book, Understanding by Design. The book detailed the idea of using backward design to write practical pretests. Wiggins and McTigue argued that lesson plans should begin with final assessments in mind in order to effectively target areas of student weaknesses. A test taken before instruction begins can give teachers a fairly accurate idea of how students might perform on the final assessment, allowing them to better anticipate problems that might arise. Therefore, before instruction, teachers should carefully study pretest results. How to Use Pretest Data A teacher can make informed decisions about how to divide their time teaching certain skillsets and concepts using pretest data. If, for example, they have determined that all students have already mastered a particular skill, they can spend significantly less time on this and use the additional instructional time to address material more challenging for their students. But it isnt usually as simple as students understanding or not understanding somethingâ€â€students can show anything from full to very limited comprehension. Pretests allow teachers to see levels of proficiency for each student. They should assess the degree to which students meet expectations using just prior knowledge. For example, a geography pretest can assess students understanding of the concepts of latitude and longitude. Students that demonstrate mastery of this topic either meet or exceed expectations, students somewhat familiar approach expectations, and students demonstrating little to no understanding do not meet expectations. Rubrics are a great tool for using standards-based identifiers to measure different aspects of student performance, but remember that a student is not supposed to meet expectations on a pretest. Advantages of Pretests You are probably already starting to understand the usefulness of pretesting. In their best form, pretests are invaluable instructional tools that offer insight few other tools or methods can. The following reasons make pretests beneficial. Comprehensive Assessment Pretests measure student growth over time through comprehensive assessment. They can show a students level of understanding before and after instruction, even while instruction is still happening. Comparing pre- and post-tests allows teachers to track student development from one class to the next, between topics, and even from day-to-day. Most forms of assessment just determine whether a student meets expectations after theyve been taught, but these fail to account for prior knowledge and incremental progress. Even when a student doesnt quite demonstrate proficiency on a post-test, pretests can show that theyve grown. No amount of progress should be ignored and assessment should not be as limited as yes a student meets expectations or no they do not. Preparing Students Pretests give students a preview of what to expect from a new unit. These tests are often the first time that a student is exposed to new terms, concepts, and ideas. Pretests, therefore, can be used as unit introductions. Pretesting your students on what you are about to teach can have the effect of relaxing them by the time a post-test comes around. This is because students feel more comfortable with material that is familiar to them and pretests can provide additional exposure. As long as you keep pretests low stakes for your students and frame them as instructional tools rather than graded assignments, they can be a great way to introduce topics. Review Pretests can be used diagnostically to determine if there are any gaps in understanding from previous units taught. Most pretests use elements of review and new material to get a comprehensive picture of student knowledge within a given area. They can be used in this way to assess whether students have retained knowledge from prior lessons. In addition to informing your future teaching, pretests can be used to show students what they still need to practice. Use completed pretest material to remind students what they learned at the conclusion of a unit and the beginning of the next. Disadvantage of Pretests There are plenty of ways that pretesting can go wrong that make many teachers opposed to using them. Read about the following disadvantages to know what to avoid when designing your own pretests. Teaching to the Test Perhaps the greatest concern with pretesting is that it contributes to the often unintentional tendency of teachers to teach to the test. Educators that practice this method prioritize their students test results above almost everything else and design their instruction with the goal of achieving good test scores in mind. This notion is obviously problematic as it fails to teach students any skills that do not directly serve them on tests. This often includes critical thinking, problem-solving, and other forms of higher-order reasoning. Teaching to the test serves one purpose and one purpose alone: doing well on tests. There is growing concern about the use of testing, both standardized and within the classroom, in general. Many feel that todays students are placed under too much pressure and submitted to excessive testing. Students are, after all, spending more time than ever taking standardized tests. There is also worry that testing by its very nature is not equitable and serves some students while disadvantaging others. Assessment can be very taxing for students and pretests are no exception. Teachers that treat these as they would any other test cause additional exhaustion and anxiety for their students. Difficult to Design A poorly-written pretest hurts more than it helps. Pretests are difficult to design in such a way that they dont feel like tests for students but gather data necessary for designing targeted instruction. Pretests and post-tests should be similar in format but mostly differentâ€â€pretests are meant to show what students know and post-tests should show whether students meet expectations. Many educators give their students pretests that are nearly identical to their post-tests, but this is bad practice for these reasons: Students might remember correct answers from pretests and use these on the post-test.A pretest that resembles a final test makes students feel that there is more at stake. Because of this, bad pretest grades can cause them to shut down.The same pre- and post-test does little to show growth. Creating Effective Pretests Now that you know the pros and cons of pretesting, you should be ready to create your own. Use what you know about good teaching practice and avoid the above pretesting failures to create effective pretests for you and your students. Teach Students to Fail Make pretests low pressure by presenting them to your students in a low-pressure environment. Explain that pretest grades will not negatively affect students and encourage them to do their best. Teach your students exactly how you plan to use pretests: to design your instruction and see what students already know. Help your students to see that not knowing material before it is taught is natural and doesnt speak to academic performance. If you teach your students to be okay with failing pretests, they will be more inclined to treat them as opportunities rather than pitfalls and have a healthier view of personal growth. Give Students Plenty of Time Pretests are not meant to be time-sensitive. Time limits are for true assessments and setting a time for a pretest will only limit their usefulness. Your students should have as much time as they need to show you what they know. Encourage them to take their time and make the most of the pretest as a unit introduction and tool for review. Remember that a pretest is often the first time that your students see some or most of the new material of a unit. Dont disadvantage them before that unit has begun by submitting them to a stressful pretesting experience. Use Pretests to Improve Instruction Always remember that the purpose of pretesting is to improve your own instruction in order to ultimately benefit your students. Use pretest data to individualize your teaching and show student growthâ€â€pretests are not just more test scores for report cards. If at any point your pretesting causes undue stress to you or your students and/or decreases the effectiveness of your instruction, you need to rethink your design. Using pretests should make your life easier, not more difficult. Design pretests that give you clear and actionable insight that you can immediately plan your teaching around. Sources â€Å"Backward Design Definition.† The Glossary of Education Reform, Great Schools Partnership, 13 Dec. 2013.Wiggins, Grant P., and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design. 2nd ed., Pearson Education, Inc., 2006.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Life Is All About Making Right Decisions At Right Time
Life is all about making right decisions at right time. Sometime reaching to an ethical and just resolution or decision could create substantial emotional and mental response for the time being but it can have a long lasting fulfillment and gratitude in life life in the the long run . Every day we are faced with hundreds of decisions, large and small, that affect us and our society for better or worse. After careful consideration as a Public Health Student I think that Josephs decision of not administering of SARS vaccination is non ethical, unresonable and self centered because it s affecting health and well being of a community. If we consider the case on moral grounds with regards to right or wrong we all need to be aware of what are†¦show more content†¦According to the article Public Health Strategies and the Police Powers of the State Jorge.E.G suggested about rebalance between public vs. private rights as an An individual must give up some personal freedom in e xchange for the benefits of being in a civilized society In the equal protection clause of Civil and Constitutional rights of Fourteenth amendment no one has a right to life or any due process to use another human s body or body parts against their discretion. However, injection of mandatory vaccination is not forcing a person to donate kidney or impose abortion. In order to have a functioning society its important to accept, approve and respect others rights. In order to justify why Joseph was wrong we will have to understand the basic requirement of Vaccines in todays society particularly their role and functions. and also to take into account that does the vaccines really expose us to dangerous components? What is the the probability of contracting a specific disease? The effectiveness of a vaccine. Does the risks outweigh the benefits? Does the vaccines actually prevent an epidemic before its
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Web Based Information System Free Essays
Implications for project management and development processes The unique nature of many web-based applications broadens the role of traditional project management and adds a new dimension to the software development process. In addition to the participation and contribution of analysts, designers, programmers, architects, managers, domain experts and so on, web-based applications often contain significant multimedia content (images, movie clips, sound clips and text) requiring specialist resources for their development. Multimedia development Groups separate from the software engineers usually produce multimedia web content in parallel, in a similar way that on-line help is typically produced by a technical writer rather than a software developer. We will write a custom essay sample on Web Based Information System or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some recent studies indicate that specialist resources needed to develop multimedia content may outnumber software engineers. For the purposes of estimating software development effort, multimedia content is assumed to exist and the effort required for their production is outside the scope of the software engineering process. However, the effort of integrating these elements needs to taken into account. Furthermore the effort to create the multimedia content itself must be incorporated to produce an overall project estimate. focus on developing business logic The novelty of developing web-based applications can be captivating and may obscure the fact that modelling an application’s business logic, whether it is being implemented in a web page, a component or an object remains the central focus of the project. Web-based application development requires project management best practice as much as any other type of application development. Business networking Business networking is a marketing method by which business opportunities are created through networks of like-minded business people. There are several prominent business networking organizations that create models of networking activity that, when followed, allow the business person to build new business relationship and generate business opportunities at the same time. Many business people contend business networking is a more cost-effective method of generating new business than advertising or public relations efforts. This is because business networking is a low-cost activity that involves more personal commitment than company money. As an example, a business network may agree to meet weekly or monthly with the purpose of exchanging business leads and referrals with fellow members. To complement this activity, members often meet outside this circle, on their own time, and build their own â€Å"one-to-one†relationship with the fellow member. Business networking can be conducted in a local business community, or on a more larger scale via the Internet. Business networking websites have grown over recent years due to the Internet’s ability to connect people from all over the world. Business networking can have a meaning also in the ICT domain, i. e. the provision of operating support to companies / organizations, and related value chains / value networks. It refers to an activity coordination with a wider scope and a simpler implementation than pre-organized workflows or web-based impromptu searches for transaction counterparts (workflow is useful to coordinate activities, but it is complicated by the use of s. . â€Å"patterns†to deviate the flow of work from a pure sequence, in order to compensate its intrinsic â€Å"linearity†; impromptu searches for transaction counterparts on the web are useful as well, but only for non strategic supplies; both are complicated by a plethora of interfaces  SOA / XML / web services  needed among different organizations and even between different IT applicatio ns within the same organization). Online business networking Businesses are increasingly using business social networks like XING or professional business networking tools like Boardex as a means of growing their circle of business contacts and promoting themselves online. Since businesses are expanding globally, social networks make it easier to keep in touch with other contacts around the world. Specific cross-border e-commerce platforms and business partnering networks now make globalization accessible also for small and medium sized companies. Face-to-face business networking Professionals who wish to leverage their presentation skills with the urgency of physically being present, attend general and exclusive events. Many professionals tend to prefer face-to-face networking over online based networking because the potential for higher quality relationships are possible. Many individuals also prefer face-to-face because people tend to prefer actually knowing and meeting who they intend to do business with. General business networking Before online networking, there was and has always been, networking face-to-face. â€Å"Schmoozing†or â€Å"rubbing elbows†are expressions used among business professionals for introducing and meeting one another, and establishing rapport. Business networking in the ICT domain Companies / organizations  and related value chains / value networks  need some sort of IT support. Traditionally, it is provided by software applications, software packages /suites, ERPs and/or workflows; presently, also by different types of web-based innovations. A truly â€Å"ICT†business networking approach rethinks  and rebuilds  the operating support from scratch, around two key business features: information contributions, to be provided by the activities involved (whether they are performed by human beings, automated tools or jointly by the two, in a coordinated way); (automated) information exchanges, to be provided by the TLC network. Information contributions and exchanges, in turn, need to be supported by data storage (plain or redundant, with or without automated recovery to grant service continuity) and access security (signature, encryption, authentication, decryption), which both can be provided either as add-on’s or as built-in features. Introduction to Novell Novell, Inc. has made news over the years for its business struggles. Novell enjoyed success as a popular vendor of network software  principally the NetWare ® operating system. Today the company is working to build an Internet networking business, but they face strong competition. NetWare The NetWare operating system supports the networking of personal computers (PCs). Installed on a PC, NetWare creates a server environment for the sharing of files, printers, and other network â€Å"services. †One of the first software products designed for PC networking, early versions of NetWare appeared in the late 1980s. NetWare 3 was originally called â€Å"NetWare 386†and released for use with Intel’s 80386 processor. Likewise, Novell developed NetWare 4 in the early 1990s for the Intel 80486. NetWare 5, the latest version of Novell’s operating system, has been available since September, 1998. Together, NetWare 3, 4, and 5 enjoy an installed base of millions of servers worldwide. NetWare encountered stiff competition from Microsoft beginning in the mid-1990s with the introduction of Windows NT Server products. Some believe the rapid growth of Linux server networking  although difficult to measure accurately due to the open nature of that operating system  is also impacting NetWare’s popularity. NDS The media sometimes refers to Novell Directory Services (NDS ®) as the â€Å"crown jewel†of Novell’s product offerings. Like NetWare, NDS has benefited from a long development history resulting in mature technology with a large installed customer base. What makes NDS especially appealing is its flexibility and the range of potential applications in network management and ecommerce. NDS is an LDAP directory service. Directory services like NDS provide information repositories for distributed network resources ranging from devices to Web site customer profiles. LDAP  the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol  offers a standard way to access this information. Web sites such as CNN and AltaVista use the NDS eDirectoryâ„ ¢ product. eDirectory tracks visitor activity to these sites, building a special-purpose â€Å"database†of customers that can be used to provide personalization services. While NDS was originally a NetWare-only technology, eDirectory now works with Windows NT and 2000, Solaris, and Linux in addition to NetWare 5 servers. Novell offers several other products based on eDirectory technology. NDS Corporate Edition, for example, implements network resource management. The digitalmeâ„ ¢ service adds more secure personalization capabilities to eDirectory. As with NetWare, however, Novell faces competition in the directory services space from Microsoft Active Directory (not to mention products from other vendors such as iPlanet Directory Server). More Web Services In 1996 and 1997, Novell achieved some success with its IntranetWare product family design for intranet data sharing. Today, Novell continues to offer GroupWise email and calendaring for intranets (and other Web-based networks). Novell also is working with technology for Web content caching. The Novell Content Exchange subscription service brings Internet caching and other software to the data center where Web content is served. Conclusion Novell’s low stock price has led to speculation of a possible buyout in the company’s near future. These rumors are nothing new. As far back as 1996 and 1997, industry pundits debated various buyout or merger scenarios involving IBM, ATT, Netscape, and even Microsoft. None of these scenarios came to pass, so perhaps it most likely  layoffs aside  that Novell will continue working to grow its network services business in the months and years ahead. How to cite Web Based Information System, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Case Study of Rahul and Saurav-Free-Samples
Questions: 1.Advise Saurav if he can pull out of the deal in this Way? 2.Advise the bank what Counter arguments it may need to rely on if Mrs Ming claims she did not sign with genuine Consent. Answers: 1.Issue: Whether there is any contract between Rahul and Saurav for the purpose of buying the plane? Law: For a valid contract, there must be an agreement between the parties which includes offer, acceptance, and intention to create legal relation. Generally, it also includes meeting of the minds between two or more parties. Offer- Offer is considered as a communication between two or more parties for the purpose of doing or not doing something if other person to whom the offer is directed do or not do something or makes any promise in return (ACL, n.d.). Acceptance- Acceptance is considered as unequivocal statement given by offeree for agreeing the offer. It must be noted that there is no particular form of acceptance. This can be understood through case law Empirnall Holdings Pty Ltd v Machon Paull Partners Pty Ltd (1988) 14 NSWLR 527. In this case, Court stated that conduct of the offeree can be determined for considering the acceptance. Consideration- Consideration is considered as price quoted by the promisor for the promise. For this purpose price is considered in broad sense, which means it is not necessary that price must be of monetary nature or even it has any monetary value (ACL, n.d.). Intention- for the purpose of contract to exist it is necessary that parties must intend to create legal relations. Generally, presence of consideration is considered as evidence that parties intend to create legal relations. In case promisor quoted price for the promise, then in number of cases it is assumed that there is intention to create legal relations. For the purpose of determining contractual intention, Court adopts objective approach. This can be understood through case law Air Great Lakes Pty Ltd v KS Easter (Holdings) Pty Ltd. In this case, Court stated that contract was the consequence imposed by law and through contract Court determines the words and actions of parties. Court further stated that actual subjective intention related to the contract was that factor which was considered by Court for the purpose of determining the existence the contract (ACL, n.d.). Application: In the present case, all essential elements of the contract are present such as offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention. Words and conduct of Saurav clearly shows that he has intention to create legal relations because he prevent the Rahul from selling the Plane to anyone else and promise to pay consideration in 10 days. Therefore, there is contract between Rahul and Saurav. Conclusion: Rahul can rely on the contract because there is clear intention to create legal relations 2.Counter Arguments by bank: In case Commercial Bank of Australia v Amadio (1983) 151 CLR 447; [1983] HCA 14, Court stated that it was the duty of the bank to act in good faith and make necessary disclosures to the surety if there was any special arrangement between the bank and the principal debtor. Special arrangement means any transaction between bank and principal debtor which was not naturally expected. Therefore, liability of bank arises when case involves any unusual features. Court further stated that bank ensures that surety receive independent advice from experts before entering into contract with the bank. In the present case, Mrs. Xi speaks very little English and local Australian bank advised her to take independent legal advice from the experienced and certified interpreter before enter into a formal contract with the bank. From the above facts and cases it is clear that local Australian bank act in good faith and there is no special feature in the case because of which bank is liable to make any disclosure to the surety. Bank also advise Mrs. Xi to take independent legal advice from the experienced and certified interpreter before enter into a formal contract with the bank. Damages and remedies seek by Mrs. Xi if she wins the case against bank: Mrs. Xi can seek equitable remedies if she wins the case against the bank. It must be noted that equitable remedies are discretionary in nature and Court is not obliged to award the remedies, and these remedies are stated below: Injunction- Mrs. Xi can seek injunction, which means party can seek orders from the Court for the purpose of directing the other party not to do something. This can be understood through example which states that Court order the party not to continue with the contractual breach. Equitable damages- in some cases, court can also provide equitable damages. It must be noted that generally Court does not award damages in these cases, but if defendant breach duty of care towards surety then Court can order damages and this ruling was stated in case Hedley Byrne Co Ltd V Heller Partners Ltd (1964) AC 465 (HL). Crime committed by Bank: banks committed a crime if it fails to act in good faith, and engage in conduct which is Unconscionable Conduct for its own benefit. Section 20(1) of the Act states that any person engaged in trade or organization must not engage in any such conduct which is unconscionable in nature within the meaning of law. In other words, it is the duty of the bank to act in good faith and make necessary disclosures to the surety if there was any special arrangement between the bank and the principal debtor. This can be understood through case law Lloyds Bank Ltd v Harrison. In this case, Court stated that bank must inform the surety if there is any special arrangement held between the bank and principal debtor, and such arrangement which directly affects the interest of surety. Court considers following factors for the purpose of determining the contravention stated above: Court must not consider any circumstances which were not foreseeable at the time of the contravention of contract. Court must consider the conduct of the engaged parties and also the circumstances at the time parties enter into contract References: ACL. Agreement. Retrieved on 25th August 2017 from: ACL. Consideration. Retrieved on 25th August 2017 from: ACL. Intention to create legal relations. Retrieved on 25th August 2017 from: Air Great Lakes Pty Ltd v KS Easter (Holdings) Pty Ltd Supreme Court of New South Wales [1989] 2 NSWLR 309. Commercial Bank of Australia v Amadio (1983) 151 CLR 447; [1983] HCA 14. Empirnall Holdings Pty Ltd v Machon Paull Partners Pty Ltd (1988) 14 NSWLR 527. Hedley Byrne Co Ltd V Heller Partners Ltd (1964) AC 465 (HL). Lloyds Bank Ltd v
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Stereotyping and the Changing Workforce free essay sample
The changing workforce is an ongoing trend observed in organisational settings throughout the world. However, what is the meaning of this worldwide trend? Changing workforce is an organisation behavioral trend which records a growing increase in the diversity of people in the workforce in various countries. Such diversity includes gender, ethnicity, age, and race (McShane and Travaglione, 2007, Page 8). In this essay, I am going to discuss how the changing workforce influence stereotyping in organisational settings. Age Two main groups of people in the workforce now are the Generation X (born 1965- 1979) workers and Generation Y (born 1980-2000) workers, with those born Baby boomer generation making up the rest of the workforce. Generation X workers are more by the book and traditional compared to Generation Y workers. Gen X workers believe in experience over wild ideas and that workers should earn their praise and way up the step ladder. Unlike the Gen X group, typical Gen Y workers are more comfortable with the fast moving IT world and prefer making use of the latest technology in their work compared to the traditional approach passed onto them by their Gen X bosses. We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotyping and the Changing Workforce or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Gen Y workers are also less respectful of the pecking order in the workforce preferring to by-pass immediate superiors to get their ideas across to higher authorities. Gen Y workers also wants to know their work is meaningful and have input into big decisions. They also prefer constructive feedback about their suggestions rather then have their suggestions quietly dismissed (Alsop, 2009, Commentary, Page 47). As time goes by, the workforce will soon be dominated by the Generation Y in the near future as the earlier batch of the Generation X workers begin to retire. This is especially true in large multinational businesses. Thus Gen X employees will thus be stereotyped and discriminated against. One common stereotype would be older workers are susceptible to being inflexible and slow in their advancement with the fast paced technologies. Smaller companies on the other hand will tend to value older workers for their experience, low absence ates and low turnover. Thus younger workers in such companies will get stereotyped as â€Å"inexperienced and ignorant†(Schermerhorn Jr. et al, 2000, Page 63). Gender A few decades ago, well paying jobs in the workforce were dominated by the males whereas majority of the females stayed home and fulfill the duties of a domesticated home-maker. This social phenomenon was brought about by limited access to higher education for the females which restr icts their entry into the workforce, further forcing the females to become dependent on the men economically. Furthermore, with jobs requiring specialized skills and specific training becoming directly proportional with the employee’s salary, it is becoming inevitable that the only jobs willing to employ females are also the low paying jobs. It is also during this time feminist movement then began to slowly help women attain equal rights in their quest for education and employment as laws were put in placed to protect the rights of females in getting education and equal opportunities in employment, thus more females are in the workforce now as compared to previously. This change in the workforce can be seen from the following quote, â€Å"The typical 1950s’ ‘nuclear family’, consisting of a white Caucasian family where dad works 9 to 5 and mum stays home to raise the average 2. 4 children, seen as the stereotype in Australia and new Zealand for so long, now accounts for less than 20% of the population†(Robbins et al, 1998, Page 40). However, even as women are being protected by the law which entitles them to equal rights as men when seeking employment, there is still a certain level of discrimination towards women whether it is during the course of applying for a job or by their colleagues and fellow peers. In a study done in the U. S on the effects of how gender based stereotyping can undermine women’s capacity to lead, both men and women respondent cast women as better at stereotypical feminine skills such as supporting. Both men and women asserted that men are better at â€Å"taking charge†skills such as influencing superiors and delegation. While this result largely conforms to gender stereotype, both men and women saw themselves as better problem solvers as compared to the opposite sex and problem solving is one of the key qualities associated with effective leadership. Since males far outnumber female in top management positions, it is this stereotype that dominates the current corporate thinking and thus might contribute to the fact that although females hold more than half of all management positions, they make up for less then two per cent of U. S Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 CEOs (Amble, 2005). Race and Ethnicity Racial and ethnic group diversity has become an integral part of the changing workforce due to non-discriminatory immigration and employment law in many countries. For example, more than half of Australia’s immigrants came from the United Kingdom and Ireland in the late 1960s. Now, these countries only make up 15% of the immigrants and more den 25% of the immigrants come from various parts of Asia (McShane and Travaglione, 2007, Page 9). With this much diversity in the workforce, it is inevitable that stereotype happens. The United States would make a very good example whereby stereotype against race of the minority happens. Life for the average African-American has improved remarkably, with the median black household income rising from $22,300 in 1967 to $32,100 in 2006 and most blacks today are middle class in the America. Even so, the gap between the Whites and the Blacks is still the same as before as the median household income of the Whites has also increased. Black’s median household income is still only 63% of the Whites (Atlanta and Harlem, 2008). This meant that while employers are more willing to pay and employ Blacks, they increased the salary of the Whites as well. Most White Americans still consider effective or intelligent people of colour to be against the norm, a successful person of colour would be startling. Most White Americans have the perception that African-American and Hispanic are not smart enough and cannot be successful business people as most of the time they see people of these races on television, they are either singing, or dribbling a basketball (Thomas and Wetlaufer, 1997). Generally, it is the minority group that will be negatively stereotyped. Reflection and Discussion Singapore being a multi-racial, multi-cultural country with a population of more than 5 million, our workforce diversity would therefore be high. It is therefore important to learn and know how stereotyping would affect organisational settings in Singapore. Firstly, when selecting a potential employee, employers should not have a pre-determined mindset on the different groups of people during the selection process. It will be unfair to those candidates who are perceived in the weaker and non-favourable group as during the selection process, there will be a level of biasness against candidates in these groups and favouritism shown towards candidates in the stereotyped stronger group. This will lead to organizations losing out on potentially good employees who might be better then those candidates that the organisation chose in the end. Meritocracy should be the basis during the selection process. Secondly, employers and superiors should not assign employees and subordinates work based on perceived stereotypical mindsets of the workers as it will be counterproductive because it prevents the workers being fully utilised based on their strengths. Bosses should try to get to know more of their subordinates and assign them work based on their strengths and weaknesses. As a future employee of the workforce, it is essential to be more sensitive to other colleagues who may be stereotyped in a negative manner. While it is human nature to stick with certain groups they are comfortable with based on personal interest and hobbies, it is wrong to ostracise people based on their gender, age or race. It is therefore important to take initiatives to get to know co-workers who are not part of the clique to find out if they happen to have the same interest and therefore invite them to the interest group or to find other common interest with them and try to form another social circle with the other employees. In this way, there would then be an increase in the diversity of social circles and thus a bridge between the different groups is formed and co-workers can in turn get to know members from different groups. Conclusion In conclusion, stereotyping occurs whether or not there are changes in the workforce. The difference being, with changing workforce, workers whom used to be in the majority group will find their position more threatened with this added competition, thus the stereotype and prejudice against the minority group becomes stronger. In order to deal with stereotyping in this changing workforce, the main challenge would be for employers need to deal with the diversity and individual differences among their employees in order to achieve maximum productivity for the organisation.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Free Essays on German Greens
Table of Contents  · The emergence of Green parties in Europe: The Greening of Europe Begins  · The Guiding Principles  · Greens on the EU  · Main Political Issues of German Greens  · Current Situation in Germany  · Bibliography The Greening of Europe Begins The Green movement as an electoral force is young. The first ecological and alternative political groups emerged in the 1960's, but most European Green parties were not created until a decade or more later. The very first ecology party in Europe emerged in Britain in 1973. The European elections of 1989 were a spectacular success for the UK Greens, who scored 15 % of the votes. Due to the first-past-the-post electoral system, however, the 2.5 million votes did not translate into one single seat in the European Parliament. In Belgium the French speaking Ecolo was formed in 1980 and gained 5% of the votes and five deputies in 1981. Their Flemish speaking sister party AGALEV had their breakthrough in the local elections of 1982, obtaining 50 local council members. In Italy, the first Greens entered Parliament in 1987, when the list of the ecological movement - Lista Verdi - got 13 MP's and two senators. The Georgia Greens have had a substantial following from their start in the same year. The German Greens are generally regarded as the Mother of all Green parties, although they are not the oldest or the first Green Party to enter national parliament. But their significance comes from being the first Green party to have a strong presence in the legislature of a large nation. The big break came in 1983, when Die Grà ¼nen attracted nearly a million votes (5.6 %) and gained 28 seats out of 497 in the federal Parliament. The Guiding Principles Here are the Guiding Principles, adopted by the member parties of the European Federation of Greens: The European Greens want eco-development. The economy must adapt to what the natural environment can tolerate. The aims of the... Free Essays on German Greens Free Essays on German Greens Table of Contents  · The emergence of Green parties in Europe: The Greening of Europe Begins  · The Guiding Principles  · Greens on the EU  · Main Political Issues of German Greens  · Current Situation in Germany  · Bibliography The Greening of Europe Begins The Green movement as an electoral force is young. The first ecological and alternative political groups emerged in the 1960's, but most European Green parties were not created until a decade or more later. The very first ecology party in Europe emerged in Britain in 1973. The European elections of 1989 were a spectacular success for the UK Greens, who scored 15 % of the votes. Due to the first-past-the-post electoral system, however, the 2.5 million votes did not translate into one single seat in the European Parliament. In Belgium the French speaking Ecolo was formed in 1980 and gained 5% of the votes and five deputies in 1981. Their Flemish speaking sister party AGALEV had their breakthrough in the local elections of 1982, obtaining 50 local council members. In Italy, the first Greens entered Parliament in 1987, when the list of the ecological movement - Lista Verdi - got 13 MP's and two senators. The Georgia Greens have had a substantial following from their start in the same year. The German Greens are generally regarded as the Mother of all Green parties, although they are not the oldest or the first Green Party to enter national parliament. But their significance comes from being the first Green party to have a strong presence in the legislature of a large nation. The big break came in 1983, when Die Grà ¼nen attracted nearly a million votes (5.6 %) and gained 28 seats out of 497 in the federal Parliament. The Guiding Principles Here are the Guiding Principles, adopted by the member parties of the European Federation of Greens: The European Greens want eco-development. The economy must adapt to what the natural environment can tolerate. The aims of the...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Health Law and policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Health Law and policy - Essay Example Moreover, ever health care provide is as well subjected to adhere to the stipulations stated therein. According to the provision, where a consumer has no knowledge of these rights, the Act directs the care providers to inform the consumers of their rights and besides, allow the consumers to exercise their rights while receiving treatment from them. The approach put forth in this act is to induce ethics in the health care industry. Divergences in the definition of ethics have raised issues as the term is subject to debate. The HDC Act provides a lucid direction based on the same by giving the ethical issues to be observed by the health care providers while providing such services to their consumers. Laverack, (2005) defines ethic as a set of laws and rules guiding the conducts people or professionals in a given field while executing their duties in line with their profession. Psychiatric nurses deal with psychologically vulnerable individuals who are in most occasions not able to make sound judgments concerning the various issues affecting their lives. Precautionary measures, therefore, must be taken to avoid the manipulation and abuse of such consumers. HDC Act provides exactly this intervention mechanism to health care consumers. The act has a set of ten regulations stating the rights of all consumers seeking health care attention from various providers in New Zealand. The Act accords the following rights to consumers which are subject to adherence by the care providers, these are: the right to be treated with respect, fairly, without pressure or discrimination, the right to dignity and independence, right to access for relevant information and to receive a quality service and to be treated with care and skill. The other rights accorded to the consumers by the HDC Act are the right to making independent decision about care services received, and to change mind whenever desired and the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Sustainable Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Sustainable Development - Essay Example Every person wants to raise his standard of living above the minimum level of sustenance but the resources provided by nature are limited. Limited resources may include the finite ones like land, drinking water and petroleum. Along with these there are intangible resources like the deterioration in quality of water, productivity of land and so on. Hence by these two arguments, one can easily judge or evaluate sustainable development in terms of political, technical and social and even environmental development. This difference between available resources and level of needs to be met has driven human beings to engage themselves in erratic interaction with the nature. This erratic interaction almost in all the cases has led to the deterioration of the future generation’s quality of life. When the natives of Easter Island engaged themselves in severe destruction of the Palm forest, they seldom managed to measure the future atrocities that they had to undergo following their own action
Monday, January 27, 2020
Individual Differences A Brief Overview Psychology Essay
Individual Differences A Brief Overview Psychology Essay A person differing from others is understandable, but how and why a person differs is less clear and is therefore a subject of the study of individual differences (Revelle, 2000). Individual differences are the differences among individuals, in regards to a single characteristic or number of characteristics, which in their totality distinguish one individual from another and make oneself a unique individual (Mangal, 2007). Characteristics that define individual differences can be classified into four main categories: Learning Style, Aptitude, Personality and Emotional Intelligence. 1.2 Learning Style Learning Style refers to the idea that every individual is different in regard to what manner of coaching or study is most useful for them (Pashler, et al., 2008). Some learn best by hearing information, while others see and/or write down information (Cherry, 2012). According to David Kolb; learning involves the gaining of abstract concepts, which are the intangible ideas that can be applied fluidly in a variety of situations, leading to knowledge (McLeod, 2013). Kolbs experience-based learning style theory is a four stage learning cycle in which effective learning can only be seen when an individual is able to accomplish all four stages of the cycle (McLeod, 2013). The cycle consists of: Concrete Experience Æ’Â Reflective Observation Æ’Â Abstract Conceptualization Æ’Â Active Experimentation (McLeod, 2013). Concrete Experience: A new experience or situation is encountered, or a reinterpretation of an existing experience. Reflective Observation: Surveillance of others or developing interpretations about ones own knowledge/experience. Abstract Conceptualization: Daydreaming/Intuition/Reflection leads to a new idea, or a variation of an existing abstract concept learners create theories to explain observations. Active Experimentation: The learner applies its knowledge/experience/observations to the world around them in real time to see its outcome using theories to explain/answer problems and make proper judgments. 1.3 Aptitude The term aptitude is sometimes treated the same as abilities, particularly when the focus is on prediction of performance in other settings or occasions (Kyllonen Gitomer, 2002). Abilities are cognitive or mental characteristics that affect ones potential to learn or to perform, whereas aptitude includes any number of individual-differences factors that influence ones willingness or chances of learning or performing successfully (Kyllonen Gitomer, 2002). Even Aptitude and Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tend to relate in view of human mental ability, however, they are in fact quite the opposite. IQ sees intelligence as being a single measurable characteristic affecting all mental ability, whereas aptitude breaks mental ability down into many different characteristics which are supposed to be more or less independent of each other (, 2013). Similarly skills, abilities and aptitudes are related but are separate descriptions of what a person can do, and thus, should not be conflated (, 2013). Skills describe what a person has learned to do in the past (, 2013); abilities describe what a person can do now (, 2013); aptitudes, however, describe a persons potential to learn from the past and apply its learning in the future (, 2013). All these describe what and how a person can learn to do something effectively. 1.4 Personality Personality explains the unique characteristics of individuals, as well as relationships among groups of people (Cherry, 2011). A person is able to stand out in the crowd due its personality; this is made up of the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in an individual (Cherry, 2011). Although some outer forces can influence how certain characteristics are expressed, personality originates from inside an individual. While a few characteristics of personality may change with age, personality is likely to remain somewhat reliable during the whole life (Cherry, 2011). The major characteristics of personality are (Cherry, 2011): Personality is Organized and Consistent: People tend to communicate certain features of their personality in various circumstances and their responses are usually stable. Personality is Psychological, but is influenced by Biological Needs and Processes: While an individuals personality might lead him/her to be calm in normal situations, but when threatened or provoked it might lead him/her to be more aggressive. Personality causes behaviors to happen: People respond to others and objects in their surroundings based on their personality. From private preferences to choice of profession, every facet of their existence is affected by their personality. Personality is displayed through thoughts, feelings, behaviors and many other ways: An individuals presence/existence all together releases energy of good or bad vibes depending on how they connect with all that encompasses their surroundings. 1.5 Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to process emotions (Toyota, 2011); it is the ability to monitor ones own and others feelings, to differentiate among them, and to use this information to guide ones thinking and action (Salovey Grewal, 2005). A four-branch model, proposed by Mayer and Salovey, identifies EI as a set of four related abilities: Perceiving, Using, Understanding, and Managing Emotions (Salovey Grewal, 2005). Perceiving Emotions: The ability to detect and interpret emotions in faces, pictures, voices, and cultural artifacts. It also includes the ability to identify ones own emotions. Using Emotions: The ability to control emotions to smooth the progress of various cognitive activities, such as thinking and problem solving. Understanding Emotions: The ability to understand emotion language and to value complex affairs among emotions. Furthermore, it includes the ability to recognize and describe how emotions develop over time, such as how shock can turn into grief. Managing Emotions: Consists of the ability to manage and normalize emotions in both ourselves and in others. Task for M1: 2.0 Choose a psychometric test for each type that would yield the most valid and reliable results in the workplace. 2.1 Psychometric Test A Brief Overview Psychometric tests are structured assessments that aim to measure, without bias, characteristics of an individuals mental capacity, or aspects of their personality (Price, 2010). Business employers use it as it offers greater objectivity, reliability and validity than interviews; and also helps provide additional information that helps the employer to create an overall profile of employees and to foresee how they will function in the workplace (, 2013). The tests are homogeneous, which means that all applicants sit the same assessment and are scored according to the same criteria, no matter where or when the test is completed (, 2013). However, taking a wide range of tests depends upon individuals needs as to how they approach or want to approach their personal development (Becker, 2011). Focusing on improving weak areas of performance can lead to great progress in achieving objectives when strengths are identified and developed (Becker, 2011). Therefore, psychometric t esting can assist in choosing the approach that will deliver the most benefit. 2.2 Types of Psychometric Tests Psychometric assessments fall under two groups. The first measures and evaluates an individuals ability to understand verbal/written words or their ability to reason with numerical figures (Farrington, 2007), or to follow directions as asked (Price, 2010). The second measures personality traits through personality tests (Farrington, 2007), assessing everything from motivation to values, from personality inclinations to working preferences (Price, 2010). In the world of employment, the choice of test is extremely vital since such tests are used: during the recruitment phase to select the best candidate, or to help select candidates for career advancement (Price, 2010). As a result, tests are gradually more customized to the jobs they are used for. 2.3 Learning Style Psychometric Test The Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ) was developed to determine an individuals preferred learning style (, 2013). There are four learning styles (Watts, 2007): Activist: Engage themselves fully in all new experiences. Reflector: Like to pause and take time to evaluate their experiences from every angle. Theorist: Like to adapt what they see into their own words in order to create their own theories, which are accurate but can appear overly complicated. Pragmatist: Are eager to try out fresh ways of doing things to see if they can be put into practice and yield results. Most people prefer certain learning styles over others. As a result, their preference tends to misrepresent the learning procedure as such that greater emphasis is placed on some stages to the disadvantage of the other stages (, 2013). Therefore, LSQs provide a key to understanding these different preferences. People gain learning styles through repetition of successful strategies and tactics while they put an end to those that are not, which leads to the development of preferences for different behavioral patterns that become habitual (, 2013). Therefore, LSQs help people to learn effectively about themselves so that they may be saved from inapt learning experiences. A thorough understanding of learning styles through LSQs enable the tailoring of education and training programs to suit an individual or group (, 2013). Particular forms of learning to which individuals respond can be identified through LSQs which aids in improving individual a nd group performance. This also makes training and development as well as other learning activities valuable and less challenging for the participants, and thus helps in reducing training costs by saving valuable time (, 2013). 2.4 Aptitude Psychometric Test Aptitude tests attempt to measure trait intelligence (IQ) and cognitive ability in individuals from the indication of their efficiency in processing information (, 2013). Intelligence is either fluid or crystallized (, 2013). Crystallized intelligence involves verbal or language-based accumulated knowledge developed mainly through education and other life experiences (, 2013). However, fluid intelligence indicates adaptability and flexibility in the face of new experiences that do not allow automated reasoning (, 2013). An example would be where logic is needed in identifying an odd shape from a number of shapes in an odd-one-out type question. Since an individuals aptitude is complex, Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) is used. It is a widely accepted method of online psychometric testing that includes aptitude tests, reasoning tests, verbal reasoning tests and numerical reasoning tests (, 2013). Although the programming, testing properties and science behind CAT are quite complex, the course, as experienced by the candidate, is not (, 2013). Even though the test is taken online, it has many advantages compared to written tests such as: reduced administration time, reduced test-taking time, increased reliability for measuring applicants aptitude, trims down the quantity of items in online psychometric tests by optimally customizing items to the candidate, practice for CAT-based tests is identical to practicing traditional online psychometric tests, all of it is computer-based and administered online, thus, practicing for these types of psychometric tests is considered idea l (, 2013). 2.5 Personality Psychometric Test Personality tests are assessments which assess an individuals somewhat stable behavioral trends and preferences within an occupational perspective (, 2013). Such tests also require the least preparation (, 2013). Personality tests are based on behavior mainly due to the indirect and complex nature of an individuals personality (, 2013). If used appropriately, these tests can be extremely helpful in improving knowledge of ones self and other people. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality test designed to indicate the psychological types of an individuals personality, its strengths and preferences (Cherry, 2012) so as to find out the reasons for individual differences (Price, 2012). MBTI aims to let candidates discover and understand more about their own personalities which includes; likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, job preferences and compatibility with others (Cherry, 2012). One other thing worth noting is that the questions in these tests have no allocated correct answer (Price, 2012) because no one personality type is best or better than any other one (Cherry, 2012). This test isnt a means to look for dysfunction or abnormality, but rather help individuals learn more about themselves (Cherry, 2012). The test is made up of four different scales (Cherry, 2012): Extraversion (E) Introversion (I): Extraverts are more open and lively, they are more social, and they are filled with energy after spending time with other people. Introverts are more into themselves; they tend to think a lot, they enjoy meaningful social interactions, and are filled with energy after spending time alone. Sensing (S) Intuition (N): This scale indicates how people collect information from their surroundings. Individuals, who pay a great deal of attention to reality, especially to what they can learn from their own senses, are sensing. Those who are intuitive consider stuff like patterns and impressions. Thinking (T) Feeling (F): This scale focuses on decisions people make that are based on information they gather through their sensing or intuition functions. People are more into thinking when they stress on facts and objectives data. People who put greater emphasis on feelings arrive at a conclusion based on people and emotions. Judging (J) Perceiving (P): This scale is about how people tend to deal with the outside world. People who like structure and firm decisions are more judging. People who are more open, flexible and adaptable, are more perceiving. Due to MBTI ease of use, it has become one of the most popular psychological instruments. According to the Myers Briggs Foundation, the MBTI meets accepted standards of reliability and validity (Cherry, 2012). 2.6 Emotional Intelligence Psychometric Test Emotional Intelligence (EI) tests help evaluate several aspects of an individuals EI and suggest ways to improve it (, 2013), so that they can understand the level of their relation with emotions (Agarwal, 2007). It helps an individual to understand themselves better in order to deal better with themselves, and know what to avoid and what not to (Agarwal, 2007). The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) is the most often used test of emotional intelligence (Daniels, 2010). This test focuses on emotions rather than intellectual skills (Daniels, 2010). MSCEIT comprises items such as to; identify the emotion in given pictures of peoples faces, select which emotion can help achieve particular tasks, understand the way emotions interact and blend among them, and to recognize how they can use their emotions in difficult social situations (Daniels, 2010). The MSCEIT measures emotional intelligence in terms of four key competencies, including an individuals ability to: (i) Recognize their own and others emotions, (ii) Generate and use emotions in problem solving, (iii) Understand emotions and how emotions may change, and (iv) Manage their own and others emotions (, 2010). It has been confirmed that people with high EI prove to be thriving in life than those with lower EI, even if their Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is average (, 2013). This is because people with higher EI are better able to express their emotions in a healthy way, and better able to understand the emotions of colleagues; therefore, leading to better work relationships and performance. In the workplace, it leads to successful leadership, increased productivity and higher customer satisfaction (, 2010). On a personal level, it ultimately leads to a more successful and fruitful life. Task for P2: 3.0 Assess the usefulness of psychometric instruments in the workplace. 3.1 Psychometric Tests As mentioned in M1 Task; Psychometric tests include personality profiles, reasoning tests, motivation questionnaires, and ability assessments. These tests try to provide objective data for otherwise subjective measurements. For example, if you want to determine someones attitude, you can ask the person directly, observe the person in action, or even gather observations about the person from other people. However, all of these methods can be affected by personal bias and perspective. By using a psychometric test, you make a more objective and impartial judgment. Since objectivity is the key to using these assessments, a good psychometric test provides fair and accurate results each time its given. To ensure this, the test must meet these three key criteria: Standardization: The test must be based on results from a sample population thats truly representative of the people wholl be taking the test. You cant realistically test every working person in a country. But you can test a representative sample of that group, and then apply the results to the specific people whom you test. Also, a standardized test is administered the same way every time to help reduce any test bias. By using a standardized test, you can compare the results with anyone whose characteristics are similar to those of the sample group. Reliability: The test must produce consistent results, and not be significantly influenced by outside factors. For instance, if youre feeling stressed when you take the test, the test results shouldnt be overly different from times when you were excited or relaxed. Validity: This is perhaps the most important quality of a test. A valid test has to measure what its intended to measure. If a test is supposed to measure a persons interests, then it must clearly demonstrate that it does actually measure interests, and not something else thats just related to interests. 3.2 Psychometric Tests in the Workplace Psychometric tests have become a well established tool in the workplace, particularly in large organizations where 70% claim to use some form of psychometric measure as part of the recruitment process. They are also increasingly used for career planning, team building, management development, counseling and succession planning. Many individuals also use them to evaluate their own attributes and as evidence for potential employers. 3.3 Usefulness of Psychometric Tests Workplace Psychometric test is useful in: Selection of Personnel: By applying psychometric tests when hiring workers, we are able to judge their competency core objectively. For example, here at Galactic Space, when we were hiring someone for monitoring gaming, we interviewed a person named Raees Gul. He applied for the post of working as a waiter, but when we interviewed him and gave him a set of questionnaires which consisted of different questions on the different departments of the lounge, we concluded he was better at gaming. Task Allocation: It has great use in task allocation of employees when we gain in-depth knowledge of their strength and weaknesses, through which we can easily judge which area they would work best at. Finding Personality: Having detailed knowledge of employees personality helps us in understanding how to communicate with them and deal with them during various circumstances. Task for D1: 4.0 Make justified recommendations for the use of two types of measures in making business decisions. 4.1 Decision-Making Predicament The present-day world presents complex decision-making challenges, be it in a business environment or day-to-day personal situations. As were discussing issues related to a business environment, we will focus on decisions that are related to the various dilemmas in the business world. For example; decisions made during staff selection and training, since companies request for specific profiles with precise individual qualities and knowledge about competencies related to a specific field; or decisions related to making an investment with high risk but with high returns, since shareholders are looking forward to high profits. 4.2 Aptitude Business Decisions Since we mentioned in P1 that every human being is complex, therefore their aptitudes are also complex. Employment specialists, that are part of the Human Resource Department, mostly use aptitude tests to determine whether someone is a good fit for a job or promotion, have the ability to adapt to a new work environment and culture, and are able to process information systematically. It is very important because to understand aptitude is to understand their mental and physical attributes. For example; a person who has good analytical skills, the will to take justified risks and bear pressure, can well be suited in the finance department (provided that he has a finance background). Since peoples ability to process information is limited; therefore, knowing that they can adopt a variety of heuristics or rules of thumb when making decisions can help solve business problems, assist in product choice and consumption option, and most importantly, their personal lives. A heuristic is a menta l shortcut that allows people to solve problems and make decisions fast and efficiently (Cherry, 2011). Thus, this helps shorten decision-making time and allow people to function without constantly stopping to think about the next course of action (Cherry, 2011). Although heuristics are helpful in many situations, they can also lead to biases in decision making. Nevertheless, how they influence business and consumer decisions in everyday life is golden. 4.3 Emotional Intelligence in Business Decisions In a world where people are facing unparalleled hardships, their emotions are spilling out in uncontrollable measures. Since experts claim that EI could be responsible for as much as 80% of any success (StarlightPsych, 2013); therefore, many businesses are interested in the EI of their workforce because understanding the EI of future employees can have clear benefits. It can be the difference between a successful and a risky hire (StarlightPsych, 2013); the latter should obviously be avoided to prevent a business, especially a big one, from facing dire consequences. Conducting EI tests also helps evaluate important aspects of work-related activities where the management can know beforehand on; how to deal with emotionally charged situations where stress and anger is involved, the manner of workforce relating themselves to their superiors and colleagues, the ability to learn, follow leadership, and so on. We also mentioned in M1 that work relationships and performance are directly rel ated to the EI of the workforce. Every human being has emotions, and motivation plays a large role in pushing emotions to its limit. Therefore, when management tap into the positive energy of EI, it can not only make work life easier for them and the workforce, but also lead to a better connection with top-level management through; top notch performance, lowered employee absenteeism, improved productivity and efficiency, and last but not the least, increased overall profits. 4.4 Conclusion Although there is no right answer as to which type of measure can lead to good or near-perfect business decisions, employing some or all measures can at least reduce bias in the results. For example, in a situation where a person seems to have a low IQ does not make him/her a dumb person, since that person might have a better EI, or even a great personality that makes him a much better person when it comes to ethics. Its a never-ending battle between right and wrong, true and false, dumb and smart, etc. All we can hope is that all this brings human beings closer together, regardless of their psychoanalytic assumptions.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Antony’s Speech and the Rhetoric Used
Vengeance is a powerful. Caesar’s slaying by Brutus sets Antony in motion to deceive his murderers into allowing him to speak to Rome. In his speech to the Romans, Antony turns Rome against Brutus using repetition to convey the irony in his own speech and discredit Brutus, as well as, applying meter to add emphasis to the mutiny, and contrast Brutus’s speech allowing him to connect with his countrymen. Repetition is used powerfully throughout Antony’s speech to convey a multitude of thoughts, however, the repetition particularly lends to the irony of the piece. †¦let me not stir you up / To such a sudden flood of mutiny. †(188-189) is a prime example of the irony in his address. His intent from the beginning is to lead a revolt against Brutus and Caesar’s other murderers, the fact that he actually states he does not want to create a mutiny while stirring up these very same people to revolt is very ironic. Antony uses an ironic repetition to adv ance his efforts for a mutiny in the discrediting of Brutus. Before Antony takes the stage to talk to Rome, Brutus has just given a very lively speech and the Romans are partial to him.It is then necessary for Antony to use dramatic irony to deceive his countrymen that he believes that â€Å"†¦Brutus is an honourable man;†(61). When Antony first describes Brutus as honourable the audience agrees it is only after the fourth time he says this that the whole crowd realize the irony behind what he is saying.. Antony uses this irony to discredit Brutus’s honour and sway the Romans to join in a mutiny against Brutus. The meter in Antony’s speech is also a very key part in adding emphasis to the mutiny he wishes to instill in the Romans.Most lines have ten syllables however there are several lines with only nine syllables to add affect. Not only do these sentences have less syllables in common but also they end with ambition. For example â€Å"Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;†(72) the lost syllables place is taken by a pause that allows the Roman and the reader to reflect on the repeated word ambition. This pause allows the Antony to inflict the thought that it was not Caesar that was ambitious but Brutus instead. This meter allows Antony to incite the doubt of Brutus in the minds of Antony’s countrymen and incite them to revolt.Interestingly enough the meter in Antony’s speech also serves as a contrast to Brutus’s who spoke in prose. Antony is a nobleman as is Brutus and throughout the whole play the only part where their dialogue is not written in meter of some sort is when Brutus addresses his countrymen. Antony however speaks as if he is addressing another noble conveying the message that he sees them as equals to him, and that while Brutus speaks down to their level, Antony lifts them up to his equal. This allows him to then sympathize with his countrymen and relate to them so that it is easier to coax the m to mutiny.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Accounting Scandals
The events that followed had worldwide implications and were analyzed extensively in the media as well as In government circles. Experts pointed their fingers at a number of different reasons that led to the massive fraud in business and accounting practices in the Enron collapse. One theory put forth by Alex Person of the New York Times was that â€Å"the focus that analysts, Investors and executives place on quarterly earnings as a company's success indicator†began to take precedence over the ethics of executives and accountants (Roberts 808). In PaulCraig Roberts' review of Forenoon's book, he disagrees with Forenoon's contention, or at least points out the holes that he sees with that logic. Roberts points out that the scapegoats Person cites as the root causes of the scandals (quarterly earnings, stock options. And price competition between accounting firms) were In fact yesterdays reforms intent upon increasing the protection of corporate investors (old. ). Person posit s that a â€Å"cult†of the quarterly earnings developed, which in some cases caused executives and accountants to trade ethical accounting practice for the healthy appearance of the company.Roberts' rebuttal points out that quarterly earnings were the result of a reform that sought to provide investors with more timely information about the financial condition of companies. Roberts also mentioned how accounting had traditionally relied on â€Å"character and internal censure†to moderate fair practices. This culture was based upon a pay scale according to seniority. But in the sass's the FTC changed the accounting culture to one where partners were not paid by seniority, but by how much business they could bring to the firm.Conflicts of interest were also introduced into this ultra when accounting firms began to consult with the businesses they were supposed to be auditing. (old. ) Roberts makes it clear that he believes federal regulations have a lot to do with the s candals that occurred. He seems to feel that a culture of honesty and integrity in the business and accounting professions Is the most effective way to curb shady business dealing. Roberts even analogies that â€Å"standard accounting practices are like door locks.They keep honest people honest. But they cannot prevent fraud any more than a door lock can prevent favorable entry. †(old. . Another interesting perspective suggests that â€Å"executives are likely to commit more fraud as the expected costs of committing fraud decline†(â€Å"How to Clean up†¦ †F-4). The article infers that in the sass's when much of the fraud was occurring, the cost of getting caught was so low that fraud likely increased. It also analyzes the U. S. Crestless market In ten , wanly â€Å"grew ostentatiously†¦ T a rate Tanat Tar outpaced the growth in resources at the SEC†(old. ). There was also an increase in corporations with a large amount of intangible assets s uch as telecommunications. The aforementioned editorial thinks that a company's intangible assets make it harder to detect fraud than in corporations with tangible assets like food and textiles. To bolster the point of the editorial, it is further noted that most of the high profile accounting scandals in the sass's occurred in companies with intangible assets.This editorial seems to imply that lax regulations are the reason for increased fraud, and ultimately that an increase in regulation will decrease fraud. This conclusion is in stark contrast to Roberts' article mentioned previously. But they represent opinions on two ends of the spectrum when placing blame for the accounting scandals of the sass's and sass's. (old. ) While the reasons for the accounting scandals are infinite in number, the somewhat opposing viewpoints of these two articles shed light on a number of possibilities.What seems to be agreed upon throughout both articles is that no matter the condition of the market or the regulations in place, lapses in ethical Judgment are the root cause of most of these situations. This strongly suggests that the power to avoid another round of scandals like the ones experienced in the sass's lies in the individual accountant or business executive to know the ethical standards to which he is held, and to abide by them. There were a number of effects that the accounting scandals caused on corporate businesses in the United States and worldwide.The main issue was that trust in public companies waned. Investors polled after the Enron scandal said that even after certain regulations were introduced, â€Å"they had lingering doubts about the industry integrity' (Green-Morale). This issue of public trust was a serious, yet largely superficial view of the state of corporate business and accounting. Some feared that an overreaction to the accounting industry would create â€Å"bad public policy' (â€Å"How to Clean Up†¦ F-4). And to this day debate goes on about the pros and cons of the Serbians-Solely Act of 2002.Aside from the public policy revisions, the market numbers following the Enron scandal seem to indicate that there was very little effect on the actual market itself. One year after the Enron scandal first came to light, the S&P 500 declined by 28. 3 percent. Although this initially appears like a direct result of the accounting scandal, analysis of world markets at the time tell a different story. At the same time as the S&P 500 downturn, Britain's FETES declined 27. 5 percent, France's CA declined 34. 9 percent, and Germany's ADDAX declined 36. 8 percent (old. . These numbers indicate that there was a world-wide fluctuation in the market, even in countries not beset by an accounting scandal. Other possibilities for this downturn were considered likely, such as â€Å"a slowdown in economic activity, excess capacity in the worldwide telecommunications market, and uncertainty over terrorism and Iraq†(old. ). Further e vidence that the market was not directly affected by the scandals is leaned from the movements of stock prices in the telecommunications industry, where a large number of the scandals occurred.Before the scandals were brought to light, the Nasdaq Telecoms Index had declined by 80 percent from a high in March 2000. (old. ). This indicates that there was a prominent downturn in the telecommunications market before the scandals occurred. If the focus is narrowed in even Turner, tons tale upon ten actual companies Tanat suffered Trot scandals, ten numbers continue to support the idea that the market was declining before the scandals occurred. In August 2000, Enron's stock price peaked at $90. By October 15, 2001 , the last trading day before the scandal broke, Enron stock had already fallen to $33 a share.This indicates a 2/3 drop in value before any hint of scandal had reached the public. So, while it is certainly likely that the scandals had an initial effect on the market, in the lon g term there was already a downturn unrelated to the accounting scandals. Similar to the effects to corporate business, the effects to the accounting industry have been largely related to image. A large effort was made to restore the public trust in accounting. One accounting industry insider recognized that they Molted the trust and confidence of †¦ Linens and [they] need to get that back†(Green- Morale). Many in the accounting field expressed concerned about a â€Å"congressional rush to Judgment in trying to make the whole problem Just an accountant's problem†(Taylor old). Whether or not it was a rush to Judgment, the federal government made some drastic changes that affect the accounting industry to this day. Most notably is the Serbians-Solely Act of 2002, which was signed into law and created a body whose sole responsibility was the regulation of accounting firms that edited publicly traded companies.When it was initially introduced, the Serbians- Solely Ac t was costing companies millions of dollars to initiate and maintain compliance. An annual survey is done by Financial Executives International to track how much money it is costing companies to comply with Serbians-Solely, specifically section 404. There most recent survey of 2007 noted that compliance fees among companies with market capitalizations of $75 million were $2. 9 million during fiscal year 2006. This is a 23 percent drop from year 2005, and a 35 percent drop from the initiation of Serbians-Solely in 2002 (â€Å"FEE Survey†¦ ). While companies are increasing their efficiency in regards to compliance with Serbians-Solely, it has still put a large strain on the accounting industry. The FEE Survey seems to indicate that efficiency will likely increase and then level off, with companies having an annual expense that includes compliance fees related to Serbians-Solely. Whether this Act is too much government regulation is arguable on both sides. But it did accomplish a larger goal, which was to begin to restore confidence in the accounting profession to the public.Another significant population that was affected by the accounting scandals was the academic side. The heads of accounting programs throughout the country initially feared lower enrollments due to the accounting scandals. But figures seem to indicate that there was actually an increase in enrollment from 2002 to 2003 (Dotard 59). Many programs offered new courses as a direct result of the scandals. These courses involved such topics as fraud detection, corporate governance and ethics (old. ). Many programs also offered presentations, seminars, and lectures with an increased emphasis on professional ethics.A survey done by the American Institute of Spa's sought to gauge student attitudes towards accounting after the scandals. The survey generally found that the more educated students were about the accounting scandals, the more positive their attitudes were. This â€Å"suggested that op en communication and straight talk†¦ Could improve student attitudes†(old. ). It would seem that numbers wise, the accounting scandal has not affected enrollments In accounting programs In a gallants way. IT anything, ten scandals nave served to opening dialogue with students about the importance of ethical standards and fraud revelation.The firm that I work at, Crower Cheek, was not specifically effected by some of these changes implemented, but was affected in a general way by the change in business and accounting culture that occurred. The business and accounting industries as a whole came through the early sass's relatively unscathed. Sure there was major damage done to the public image of both professions, but they have generally recovered and have continued to comply with the new regulations resulting from the Serbians-Solely Act and other SEC provisions. But there are a number of strives that have come about as a result of the scandals and subsequent government ac tion.More skepticism is being brought into the audit process. Companies are considering how fraud could occur â€Å"even if there's no indication it is there. †Also, â€Å"investors are becoming better-educated about corporate financial statements†¦ And are not putting so much credence in the views of media pundits and analysts†(Allen 7). Students who are considering or have chosen accounting as a profession now have an increased dialogue concerning ethics, fraud, and the consequences thereof in a corporate scandal. Overall this increased dialogue seems o be the most straightforward method to prevent future scandals.
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